Program Eligibility
To participate in the Program, the resident would fit the following profile (with assessment of people on a needs basis as well)
The applicant has had a problem drug and/or alcohol using history longer than two years
The applicant is female and 20 years of age or older
The applicant has been assessed as being motivated to change
The applicant has a sign off from a GP to say they can live in a remote area
The applicant does not have a major psychiatric condition. A major psychiatric condition is a mental health condition that The Farm is not equipped to manage due to staffing constraints and our remote location. Examples of major psychiatric conditions include bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, autism spectrum disorder and major depressive disorder.
A Staged Entry
Stage One
Stage One involves the resident in her acceptance of the need for community support to sustain permanent recovery and a willingness to commit to the abstinence-based lifestyle she has achieved in prior settings.
This is a six -week course aimed at the development of deeper self-awareness and the identity of personal goals. We ask that clients persevere to the end of the six weeks. During this initial stage of the program outside contact is restricted and there will be no internet access. Those clients with children may contact them but otherwise this is a time of undisturbed orientation to the Farm.
Stage Two
At Stage Two the client is ready for deeper work and to allow residents, peers and caseworkers to contribute to the further development of the self- knowledge that is necessary to sustain recovery. Entry to Stage Two is dependent on community assessment of the individual’s need, motivation and capacity to continue in the program.
The Admissions Process
Phone Interview
The journey to The Farm begins with an initial interview on the phone by calling 0404 112 428 or 02 6386 7275. As a part of this interview, we will require some information about you to ensure that you receive the best treatment options tailored to your needs. This initial assessment allows us to get an understanding of the issues impacting your health and wellbeing.
Initial Application
Once you have completed the initial phone interview, you will be asked to complete an application form. Please be honest in your responses, as your honesty will assist us in determining your treatment needs. This will maximise your chances of a successful treatment outcome. Clients may choose to complete this application by themselves or with the help of a staff member. We may also ask you to complete a Consent to Share information so that we can contact any people to better understand your situation e.g., Lawyer, Case Managers etc.
Once you have received and signed your Offer of Placement, you are in the pre-admission stage. In this stage, we will support you in making sure you are fully prepared before starting your journey to recovery at the Farm. This may involve tying up any loose ends with domestic, financial, and legal issues and/or getting the required documentation organised before coming to The Farm.
Required Documentation
All residents must also have the following documentation ready before they come to The Farm:
100 points of identification. We need minimum of 100 points of identification from primary and secondary documents e.g., Birth Certificate, Medicare Card, Driver’s Licence, Proof of Age Card, Bank ATM key card, credit card, Passport etc. This points system is the same as required by Centrelink and many other organisations who need to confirm your identity.
A current Medicare Card.
Health Care Card or Pension Card (if you are in of a Centrelink benefit). If you do not have a health care card, you are required to obtain a Proof of Benefits card from Centrelink which has your CRN number and expiry date attached.
All medication and current medication scripts (if applicable).
A Doctor’s letter, giving written approval for you to live in remote area.
A copy of your Mental Health Care Plan

Client Re-Entry
Additional Information about the Program
find out what else you need to know.