Prospective Client Information
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Pre-Admissions Checklist
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The Farm - Brochure
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Therapeutic Community Model of Treatment
Find out more about the Therapeutic Community Model
Referral Form
The form for referrals by a health professional or case manager
Application Form
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The Farm in the Media
Life on the Farm: 'When I came here, I had nothing' - May 21, 2024
Former client Kylie shares her transformative journey from the depths of substance abuse and domestic violence to reclaiming her life and reuniting with her children through the support and rehabilitation provided by The Farm, a not-for-profit organization in NSW dedicated to empowering women in recovery.
The Case for Redemption - March 15, 2024
In the King v RR, Hunt DCJ of the District Court at Sydney, NSW, on 29 September 2023, sentenced an offender in respect of two groups of offences.
The first being, the counts of supply drug contrary to s.25A(l) of Drug Misuse and Trafficking Act 1985(NSW). The second being, property contrary to s. 193C(1) of Crimes Act 1900 (NSW), and to aggravate, take and detain contrary to s.86(2) of Crimes Act 1900 (NSW).
RR was 39 years old at the time of sentencing and sadly, had a problematical upbringing. This involved her natural father, who was a chronic alcoholic, and her parents separating when she was very young.
The Catholic Weekly: Haven of healing and hope - April 13, 2021
New program helps women who have had few chances
Back in 2017 a tiny but daring seed of hope was planted to offer a new chance to struggling Australian women and their families.
The daring involved was great. The idea to create a wholistic rehabilitation centre called ‘The Farm at Galong’ in a neglected former Mercy convent on three hectares of rundown property in the diminutive NSW village of Galong all came from one Catholic woman.
Catholic Voice: A radical new project to rebuild women’s lives - March 2, 2020
A new live-in program to help women rebuild their lives after drug and alcohol addiction has accepted its first clients.
Reuniting the women with their children is one of the project’s main aims. The children are often removed from their mothers because they cannot care for them.
The first group of women moved into “The Farm”, about one and a half hours from Canberra, last November. They will stay for up to two years, developing skills to gain a job, a home and a support network. A second group of women will be welcomed in May.
ABC News: A second chance for those struggling with addiction - December 28, 2019
"Let's restore the land, let's restore the building, let's restore the children to these women."
What's the concept behind The Farm, an hour outside of Canberra — a retreat started by social worker and former nun Kate Cleary.
She's long been an advocate for those usually ignored by society: women and mothers who've struggled with drug and alcohol addiction.
The Farm is its own small community that helps these women reconnect with their family as well as the wider community through rehabilitation.
April 2024
New Staff, The Library, Monet & Kandinsky, and more
April 2022
The greening of the Farm
December 2021
Greenhouse, Cookbook + much more!
September 2021
Spring is in the air!
April 2021
Easter Hat Parade
December 2020
Welcome to the world, baby chooks!
August 2020
Planting the orchard with our “working bee” stalwarts
May 2020
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Annual Reports & Financial Statements